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Chinese Medicine

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Chinese medicine encourages us to align our lives with the rhythms and cycles of the natural world, in order to maintain good health well into old age. Doctors in ancient China spent many years in meditation, living in the forests and mountains, observing nature closely. In this way, they developed their ability to perceive the subtle movements of energy, or Qi. They drew parallels between what they observed in nature and what they observed in the processes of the human body. The early doctors’ oral teachings were eventually recorded in writing,  and continued to be passed along by successive generations of doctors, with their own commentaries, through the ages.

The laws of nature have not changed in the three millennia since the Yellow Emperor wrote his Inner Classic of Chinese Medicine, nor have we. Universal forces like the flow of Qi, Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements continue to govern our inner and outer worlds. The modern practitioner of Chinese medicine seeks to help her patients regain and maintain health. She uses the tools she has, matching them to the needs of the individual patient at any given time: acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, lifestyle advice including dietary therapy, recommended exercises, and Qigong and meditation. Her goal is to empower the patient to tune in to his/her own Qi and thereby discern what is needed to regain balance and harmony.

For more about Naomi’s own training and experience, click here.

Conditions treated by Chinese medicine

The World Health Organization (WHO) ​has compiled a list of symptoms, syndromes, disease processes, pathologies, traumas and conditions that acupuncture has been proven to treat effectively. The list includes, but is not limited to:


  • neck pain

  • sciatica

  • tennis elbow

  • knee pain

  • periarthritis of the shoulder

  • sprains

  • facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)

  • headache

  • dental pain

  • tempromandibular (TMJ) dysfunction

  • rheumatoid arthritis

  • induction of labor

  • correction of malposition of fetus (breech presentation)

  • morning sickness

  • nausea and vomiting

  • postoperative pain

  • stroke

  • essential hypertension​

  • primary hypotension

  • renal colic

  • leucopenia

  • adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy​

  • allergic rhinitis, including hay fever

  • biliary colic

  • depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke)

  • acute bacillary dysentery

  • primary dysmenorrhea

  • acute epigastralgia

  • peptic ulcer

  • acute and chronic gastritis

      …and so much more!

​I have three treasures
That I guard and hold dear:
The first is love;
The second is contentment;
The third is humility.
Only the loving are courageous;
Only the content are magnanimous;
Only the humble are capable of commanding.  ~ Lao Tzu ​

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